

About the art:

"I love PAINTING WITH THE FLOW because it creates a sense of freedom, joy and spontaneity in abstract painting that is stimulating for me as an artist. Each brushstroke becomes a reflection of intuition and emotion, resulting in a joyful and playful experience for both the artist and the viewer.
The concept means relinquishing control over the outcome of the artwork and allowing the creative process to unfold naturally.
I find this approach particularly freeing because it breaks down the barriers of my expectations and self-critique that often hinder creativity. By not worrying about the exact end product, I open myself up to explore new techniques, textures, and expressions I might otherwise never have discovered. The canvas becomes a space of exploration and surprise, where the beauty of the unexpected can be embraced and celebrated.
The result can be a composition that feels dynamic and alive, with a sense of movement and energy that is contagious to all who experience it."


Sources of Inspiration

In my artistic journey, the natural elements—air, sky, clouds, and especially water—are huge inspirations
Through my art, I invite viewers to delve into the depth, explore the mystery, and embrace the tranquility of these natural elements. It is my wish that they, too, can experience the liberating sense of weightlessness and the profound calm that inspires me so deeply.


My painting process

I like to go to the studio early in the morning, with a cup of tea or an espresso, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and anticipation for the day's creative endeavors.
For me, painting abstract art using a dynamic blend of materials- acrylics, pastels and lots of water, applied with big, expressive brushes is a liberating and exciting process that allows the spontaneous and free-flowing movement of color.

I set out a large canvas, acrylic paints, a number of large brushes and lots of water. I start by choosing a color palette that inspires me.
I apply a layer of paint with lots of water to the canvas… spreading paint and water with my large brushes, using broad sweeping strokes to create the initial composition.
As I paint, I add more and more water to the surface of the canvas. This allows the paint to move and flow freely and unexpectedly, creating interesting textures.
Once I am happy with the composition, I let the painting dry completely. Then I go back and repeat the first process, adding more layers and details depending on how I feel.
I really enjoy this process and love the joy and playfulness I feel when painting and creating.

I love listening to music while painting, preferably with a calm or positive, energetic vibe
With music, I dive straight into a carefree state of mind where I fully engage with the creative process. In this state of mindfulness, worries and distractions fade away so that I can concentrate fully on painting and experience a deep sense of freedom.

Music and art flow into each other
* click here to listen to my apple music painting with the flow playlist

I hope you will love my paintings and they will make you as happy as they make me,
Yours, Gabriele




Gabriele van de Flierdt, a freelance passionate abstract artist living just outside of beautiful Munich.
As an artist, she loves "Painting with the Flow“!  Instead of meticulously planning, she trusts her instincts, allowing the creative process to unfold organically. By breaking free from expectations, she explores new techniques and expressions, leading to authentic and personal artwork. It’s about embracing the beauty of the unknown, inviting viewers into a world where creativity knows no bounds.
Gabriele's signature style includes the use of bold brushstrokes and generous amounts of water to create her works. Inspired by the fluidity of water, the vastness of the sky and the ever-changing shapes of clouds, her work captures the essence of these elements in mesmerising abstract compositions.

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© 2023 by Gabriele van de Flierdt